Care instructions
Your F. Arthur Uebel clarinet has been made by master craftsmen from selected, long seasoned Grenadilla or Mopane wood. Our ergonomic and quiet keys are made of extra strong silver-plated nickel silver, and we use the finest high-quality pads.
Although our special storage method already reduces the likelihood of cracking, the long life of our clarinets depends just as crucially on the correct and regular care and maintenance of your clarinet: To ensure that you enjoy your valuable instrument for a long time, we strongly recommend that you consult a clarinet repair specialist or qualified specialist dealer for service work or repairs. If you have any questions about our F. Arthur Uebel instruments, please contact our sales department.
Über die gesetzliche Gewährleistung hinaus möchten wir Ihnen gerne eine Garantie von zwei Jahren und eine Garantie von fünf Jahren auf Holzrisse geben. Um die verlängerte Garantie gegebenenfalls in Anspruch nehmen zu können, füllen Sie bitte beide Seiten Ihrer Garantie-Registrierung sorgfältig aus und senden Sie diese an die umseitig aufgedruckte Adresse.
Wir wünschen Ihnen viel Freude beim Musizieren!

Our woods - living materials
Our F. Arthur Uebel clarinets are crafted from the highest quality, long-seasoned Grenadilla and Mopane woods, renowned for their outstanding tonal qualities.
To prevent cracks, it's crucial to avoid exposing the clarinet to extreme dryness or heat. Therefore, it's recommended to avoid sudden changes in the instrument's environment. During the first two weeks of use, we advise playing the clarinet for shorter periods of time (max. 30 minutes per day) to allow it to acclimate to humidity and prevent cracking.
It's also important to disassemble the clarinet after each playing session and thoroughly dry the bore of the instrument using our provided pull-through swab, as well as the inside of the joint sockets. Ensure no moisture is left behind, especially in tone holes in the upper joint, such as the trill keys, A/G sharp key, and register key.
Lastly, be careful not to store the still-damp pull-through swab inside the case. Instead, keep it in the outside compartment of the case cover to avoid any potential moisture build-up.
Greasing the tenon cork
F. Arthur Uebel clarinets are manufactured with the highest accuracy of fit. This can give the feeling at the beginning that the instrument is difficult to put together. In order to achieve the best possible fit with ease of assembly, the tenon must be lubricated with plenty of cork grease. Please be sure to use the La Tromba® cork and tenon grease, which is included free of charge. Thanks to the special ingredients of the world's best-selling cork grease, you will get the desired and necessary long-lasting lubricating effect, and also ensure an optimal moisture balance in the natural cork.

Note on the use of rubber mouthpieces
A hard rubber mouthpiece can produce a slightly warmer sound, but may cause the silver-plated keys to tarnish due to a chemical reaction. To avoid this, we recommend storing such mouthpieces in a closed plastic bag or outside of the case. After some time of playing with the rubber mouthpiece, tarnishing of the mechanism should no longer occur. Please note that F. Arthur Uebel is not responsible for any tarnishing of the silver-plated keys caused by using a hard rubber mouthpiece.
Storing the clarinet reeds
Store your reed in a suitable reed case so that it does not get damaged and the underside of the reed remains straight. We recommend a case that is easy and hygienic to clean.

Care of the action
After playing, it is recommended to clean the surface of the keys with a microfiber or cotton cloth. If the keys are particularly dirty or tarnished, the enclosed silver cleaning cloth should be used. For the care of the gold-plated mechanisms, it is best to use the included microfiber cloth.
Oiling the bore and outer body
At regular intervals, about twice a year, it is advisable to oil the inner bores of the barrel, upper and lower joints evenly with our La Tromba® oil for woodwind instruments. This will increase the life and resonance of your instrument. Please be careful not to use too much oil and avoid contact of the bore oil with the pads of the clarinet, which would become unusable. Oiling of the body surface may only be carried out by a clarinet repair specialist when the mechanism has been dismantled. If you have any questions about oiling, please do not hesitate to contact your instrument maker or your qualified dealer.
